Semantic technologies are nowadays widespread as a component of Industry 4.0 architectures, but their uptake is not at the same level in all fields of industrial engineering; fragmentation and duplication of efforts remain an issue. In Domain Ontologies for Research Data Management in Industry Commons of Materials and Manufacturing (DORIC-MM) we welcome both ontologists and experts from all domains of materials and manufacturing that are willing to engage in a genuine discussion from which both sides will benefit. We ask ontologists (“providers”) to show concrete and convincing examples of how semantic technologies can be used in this field, also welcoming negative results and lessons learned. On the other hand, we encourage domain experts (“users”) to bring to the table their current challenges on data documentation, integration and management. In both cases, a second party will provide constructive feedback.
DORIC-MM, co-located with the 18th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2021), is supported by the OntoCommons project and endorsed by the Industrial Ontologies Foundry. It will draw a map of the semantic landscape in the context of materials and manufacturing. In particular, its outcome will consist of populating a registry of semantic assets created within the project and writing a report document that critically captures the status of the field to advance it.
Workshop event:
DORIC-MM will be a full-day event, involving a half-day of presentations followed by a half-day of discussions and joint writing. Beside two invited keynotes, oral contributions will be brief (10+2 minutes) and can be presentations or demos. When registering, all interested participants will be required to answer a questionnaire about the semantic asset they develop and/or to describe requirements and gaps. All participants are requested to attend an on-line brainstorming session to be held in March. For participants who would like to give an oral contribution in DORIC-MM, a paper needs to be submitted.
On 15 March 2021 an online Kick-Off Meeting will take place. The interactive event will give the opportunity to start discussions, through brainstorming sessions, about the future of semantics applied to materials and manufacturing.
Before the kick-off, if you are aware of any ontology that could be useful for materials, manufacturing or related domains, take this survey.
Our final goal is to develop an ontology catalogue in order to provide the materials and manufacturing communities with the most suitable ontologies in this area. In addition, the catalogue also contains general domain ontologies frequently used across domains.
Hedi Karray, INP ENIT, France & Evgeny Kharlamov, BOSCH, Germany.
Programme Committee:
• Stefano Borgo (CNR, Italy)
• Welchy Leite Cavalcanti (Fraunhofer IFAM, Germany)
• Silvia Chiacchiera (STFC/UKRI, United Kingdom)
• Fabien Duchateau (University of Lyon 1, France)
• Iker Esnaola González (Tekniker, Spain)
• Anna Fensel (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
• Joana Francisco Morgado (Fraunhofer IWM, Germany)
• Gerhard Goldbeck (Goldbeck Consulting Ltd & EMMC ASBL, UK & Belgium)
• Martin Thomas Horsch (HLRS, Germany)
• Dimitrios Kyritsis (EPFL, Switzerland & UiO, Norway)
• María Poveda Villalón (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
• Umutcan Şimşek (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
Important dates:
- Kick-off registration deadline: 10th March 2021
- Paper submission deadline: 26th March 2021 (EXTENDED)
- Notification to paper authors: 16th April 2021
- Camera-ready version of papers: 29th April 2021
- Event: 7th June 2021
15th March 2021 (14:30-17:30 CET):
- 14:30-15:30: Initial plenary session
- Welcome by the Organizers
- “Introduction to OntoCommons and WP3 (Industrial domain ontologies)” [by Hedi Karray, ENIT, France– WP3 Leader and Project Technical Manager]
- “Landscape analysis” [by Yann Le Franc, e-Science Data Factory, France]
- “Introduction to the Industrial Ontology Foundry” [Dimitris Kiritsis, EPFL, Switzerland & UiO, Norway]
- “Input from the EMMC 2021 International Workshop” [Gerhard Goldbeck, Goldbeck Consulting Ltd & EMMC ASBL, UK & Belgium]
- Interactive presentation [Silvia Chiacchiera, UKRI, UK]
- 15:30 – 16:30: Domain-specific interactive parallel sessions (D1, D2, D3, D4)
- D1: Physics and Chemistry
- D2: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
- D3: Thermal Engineering/Process Engineering
- D4: Material Science and Engineering
- 16:30-16:45: Break
- 16:45 – 17:30: Final plenary session
- 16:45 – 16:50: General intro and exchange
- 16:50 – 17:10: Reports from each of the domain parallel sessions D1, D2, D3, D4
- 17:10 – 17:25: Panel discussion
- 17:25 – 17:30: Closing
7th June 2021 (full day):
- Morning session (10:30-13:45 CEST, 7th June)
- 10:30-10:40 Welcome and introduction
- 10:40-11:05 [20+5 min] Hedi Karray “Ontologies’ Interoperability: concerns and perspectives” - download the presentation
- 11:05-12:00 “Materials & modelling” session
- 11:05-11.20 [10+5 min] M. Abd Nikooie Pour et al, “A First Step towards Extending the Materials Design Ontology (see the paper)” - download the presentation
- 11:20-11:35 [10+5 min] M. T. Horsch et al, “Domain-specific metadata standardization in materials modelling (see the paper)” - download the presentation
- 11:35-11:50 [10+5 min] F. Le Piane et al, “Introducing MAMBO: Materials And Molecules Basic Ontology (see the paper)” - download the presentation
- 11:50-12:05 [10+5 min] J. Friis and E. Ghedini, “Domain-level ontologies and the methodology to connect them to a Top-level/Middle-level ontology” - download the presentation
- 12:05-12:20 Break
- 12:20-13:45 Discussion (Panel + all, interactively). Panel members: Alexander Behr (Dortmund Univ., Germany), Jesper Friis (SINTEF, Norway), David Leal (CAESAR Systems Ltd, UK), Heinz Preisig (NTNU, Norway). Moderator: Gerhard Goldbeck (Goldbeck Consulting Ltd & EMMC ASBL, UK & Belgium). Initial interactive presentation by Silvia Chiacchiera (UKRI, UK).
- 13:45-15:00 Lunch break
- Afternoon session (15:00-18.15 CEST, 7th June)
- 15:00-15:15 Highlights from the material gathered during the 15/03 preparatory event - download the presentation
- 15:15-15:40 [20+5 min] Evgeny Kharlamov: “Industrial ontologies for manufacturing”
- 15:40-16:55 “Industry & engineering” session
- 15:40-15:55 [10+5 min] M. M. Vegetti et al, “SCONTO: A Modular Ontology for Supply Chain Representation (see the paper)” - download the presentation
- 15:55-16:10 [10+5 min] S. Borgo, F. Compagno et al, “An overview of some ontological challenges in engineering maintenance (see the paper)” - download the presentation
- 16:10-16:25 [10+5 min] I. Esnaola-Gonzalez and I. Fernandez, “Materials’ Tribological Characterisation: an OntoCommons Use Case (see the paper)” - download the presentation
- 16:25-16:40 [10+5 min] Johan Wilhelm Klüwer, "READI: Ontology-based requirements management for industry" - download the presentation
- 16:40-16:55 [10+5 min] Maja Milicic Brandt, “Industrial Ontology Library at Siemens” - download the presentation
- 16:55-17:05 Break
- 17:05-18:05 Discussion (Panel+ all, interactively). Panel members: Mehwish Alam (KIT, Germany), Gianmaria Bullegas (Perpetual Labs Ltd, UK), David Cameron (Univ. of Oslo, Norway), Irlan Grangel-Gonzalez (Bosch, Germany), Johan Klüwer (DNV, Norway), Boonserm Kulvatunyou (NIST, Usa), Maja Milicic Brandt (Siemens AG, Germany), Robert Young (Loughborough Univ., UK). Moderator: Martin T. Horsch (HLRS, Germany).
- 18:05-18:15 Wrapping up and closing
Workshop venue:
same as ESWC 2021 - Virtual
Watch the video below to get the key features of the workshop!
In case of any questions, please send an email to doric-mm-2021[at]ontocommons[dot]eu
Additional information
Oral contributions for DORIC-MM can be tool demos or presentations, and an associated paper needs to be submitted (see below). Please note that, depending on their number and quality, submissions may be accepted as posters or parallel contributions.
Topic: Data management in materials and manufacturing, both from “users” and “providers” point of view, and negative results are welcome too. - PAPER SUBMISSION
Papers need to be submitted via OpenReview for a single-blind review process, with two reviewers per manuscript.
Paper format: .pdf, formatted as standard A4-size article in latex or other text editors (with no specific journal style).
Paper length: minimum 3 and maximum 16 pages, including references - CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION
The paper is written in English (necessary) and its topic is within the scope of the workshop and of ESWC (necessary). Clarity of the manuscript, potential impact and broadness of interested audience/users.
The 15th March preparatory on-line kick-off (brainstorming) is a free and open half-day event. Participants are only required to register as OntoCommons Expert and fill in a survey when registering (deadline: 10th March 2021).
To participate in the 7th June DORIC-MM, you will need to:
- Register via OntoCommons
- Register for the main ESWC event as well, and financial support is available in this direction.
Financial support is available and will be used to favour a variety of domains to be represented at the event.
Do you plan to attend the 7th June event too? In case you would like to apply for funding from OntoCommons to participate in the June event, please write to us at: doric-mm-2021[at]ontocommons.eu by 14th May (subject: Financial support).
The workshop proceedings have been published by STFC/UKRI in its own Conference Proceedings series: they appear on ePubs and have been assigned a persistent URL (download proceedings .pdf)
- About the Organisers:
Gerhard Goldbeck, Goldbeck Consulting Ltd, EMMC ASBL
Gerhard received his Diplom in physics from RWTH Aachen University in 1986 and a Ph.D. in polymer physics from Bristol University in 1992. His career encompassed computational and experimental research at Forschungszentrum Jülich, H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, Bristol and Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, Cambridge, as well as software development and product management of materials modelling software at Molecular Simulations/Accelrys/Biovia in Cambridge, UK. In 2011 he formed Goldbeck Consulting Ltd, a company that aims to bridge the gap in the materials modelling value chain from science to engineering and academia to industry. He led the WP on interoperability of EMMC‐CSA where he was responsible for the organisation of several workshops and chaired a CEN Workshop Agreement on materials modelling terminology and metadata and is a co‐author of the European Materials & Modelling Ontology EMMO. He is the executive secretary of EMMC ASBL, a board member of the European Materials Characterisation Council and a participant in OntoCommons.
Joana Francisco Morgado, Fraunhofer IWM
Joana holds a doctoral degree in energy and process engineering from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She is a research scientist at Fraunhofer IWM where her activities involve the implementation of workflows (CWL), ontology development mostly within the framework of the European Materials & Modelling Ontology and use of the MODA standards for the description of different modeling strategies. During the last two years she has been working on the EU projects SimDOME, ReaxPro and INTERSECT that comprise the development of interoperable Open Simulation Platforms (OSPs) supporting the European Digital Single Market.Martin Thomas Horsch, High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
Martin holds a doctorate in mechanical engineering from Paderborn University and a habilitation degree in computational engineering from TU Kaiserslautern. His fields of work include molecular modelling and simulation and process data technology with a focus on applications in chemical engineering. He co-developed the VIMMP system of domain ontologies. From 2011 to 2014, he was the executive secretary of the project SFB 926 (MICOS); he co-organized the MICOS 2014 conference, the HBME workshop at IEEE HiPC 2016, and minisymposia on data science in molecular engineering at the SIAM Annual Meeting 2017 and ICIAM 2019. From 2020 onward he is a research scientist at the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS); his previous affiliation was with UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).
Silvia Chiacchiera, Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK Research and Innovation (STFC/UKRI)
Silvia is a computational scientist in the Scientific Computing Department at STFC Daresbury Laboratory. She holds a doctorate in theoretical physics from University of Turin and acquired postdoctoral and teaching experience from positions at IPN Lyon and University of Coimbra. There, she was also part of the local organizing committee of various Compstar events. In the last years she has been working on the VIMMP – Virtual Materials Marketplace project, in particular to co-develop ontologies that will serve as a semantic basis for the interoperability of internal and external components of the marketplace.