The Knowledge Graph Alliance
KGA is the Knowledge Graph Alliance, pioneering the future of Knowledge-Driven Innovation. Learn more about the initiative, its founding organisations and the values that drive it.

OntoCommons Second Global Workshop: Call for Posters
During the OntoCommons 2nd Global Workshop, in addition to keynote presentations and panel discussions, it is possible to submit posters related to ontologies, industry, standards, FAIR and EOSC. Submit your poster!

OntoCommons - Demonstrators Tutorials
In order to provide more hands-on experience that can help the Demonstrators to build their use cases and industrial, the OntoCommons team has scheduled a series of webinars that present the main outcomes from the project.

Call to join the FAIR-IMPACT Group of EOSC FAIR Champions! Apply till 10 March!
FAIR-IMPACT is launching an open call that gives room to boost the sharing of FAIR data best practices across different disciplines, by joining the group of EOSC FAIR Champions.

OntoCommons and standardisation: the IOF perspective with Boonserm Kulvatunyou
We have interviewed Boonserm Kulvatunyou, one of the OntoCommons External Advisory Board members, Senior Researcher and Project Manager at NIST.
How OntoCommons will narrow the gaps between the understanding of ontologies benefits for standardisation and their implementation: an interview with Patrick Guillemin
Patrick Guillemin explains how OntoCommons can exploit the benefits brought by ontologies to implement standardisation rules.

Ontologies in the context of the Green Twin and Digital Transition: outcomes from the IoT Week 2022
The Semantic Interoperability Expert Group of the AIOTI WG has organised the workshop “Ontologies in the context of the Green and Digital Transition” during the IoT Week 2022, where experts in the field were invited to share their perspectives.

OntoCommons in the standardisation environment: an interview with Barry Smith
Given the crucial role played by standards and ontologies in OntoCommons, we have interviewed Barry Smith, External Advisory Board member of the OntoCommons project, to better understand what are the challenges and priorities to focus on.

Global Workshop: Ontology Commons addressing challenges of the Industry 5.0 transition: Call for Posters
Call for Posters that allows to present the work that international researchers are conducting in the ontologies, industrial, FAIR and EOSC environments