Project deliverable

D2.5 - MLOs Beta Release

Published on: 27 Mar 2024

Sarkar, Arkopaul

OntoCommons aims at working toward interoperability by means of harmonization with respect to upperlevel ontologies and facilitating agreement in domain ontology development. As part of the effort of work package 2, an objective of OntoCommons is to provide.. Read more

84 Views72 Downloads
Project deliverable

D2.9 - TLO/MLO Guidelines and Recommendations

Published on: 31 Oct 2023

Sarkar, Arkopaul; Masolo, Claudio; Zaccarini, Francesco Antonio

The objective of D2.9 is to provide best practices and guidelines for the utilization, exploitation, maintenance, and further development of the tools, methodologies, and infrastructure resulting from the efforts of WP2. This guidance is contextualized with.. Read more

86 Views67 Downloads
Project deliverable

D3.8 - Report on the finalized Review of Domain Interoperability

Published on: 31 Oct 2023

Chiacchiera, Silvia

This document addresses interoperability in a broad sense, in the context of data, in particular for materials and manufacturing. It is meant for developers (at domain level) of ontologies and platforms, tools or components that use them. To set the stage a.. Read more

114 Views101 Downloads
Project deliverable

D1.13 - Ontology-based digital marketplaces for Industry Commons v2

Published on: 29 Oct 2023

Chiacchiera, Silvia

This document reports on the status of the cooperation between OntoCommons and the digital marketplaces, combining and summarizing outcomes from meetings with the marketplace projects (DOME 4.0, MarketPlace, and VIMMP), and from dedicated OntoCommons worksh.. Read more

56 Views37 Downloads
Project deliverable

D1.9 - FAIR recommendations and cooperations report version 2

Published on: 28 Oct 2023

Le Franc, Yann

The FAIR principles provide a set of generic principles for data management and in particular for supporting machine-actionability toward automation of data management and data analysis pipelines. Ontologies are key elements for the implementation of intero.. Read more

48 Views39 Downloads
Project deliverable

D1.11 - Ontology-based European Data Infrastructure v2

Published on: 26 Oct 2023

Piroi, Florina

One of OntoCommons' primary objectives is to foster collaboration with relevant initiatives and organizations, aiming to create synergies and promote integration. Key partners include the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), EU projects, the Research Data Al.. Read more

54 Views36 Downloads
Project deliverable

D4.7 - Validation of Methodological Framework on Development and Documentation

Published on: 12 Oct 2023

Kindermann, Christian; Doroudi Moghadam, Maunya

This deliverable presents the results of validating the Linked Open Terms (LOT) methodology for ontology development within the OntoCommons project. LOT is a flexible framework with four main phases: Ontology Requirements Specification, Implementation, Publ.. Read more

49 Views24 Downloads
Project deliverable

D2.8 - MLOs Final Release

Published on: 12 Oct 2023

Sarkar, Arkopaul

OntoCommons aims at working toward interoperability by means of harmonization with respect to upper-level ontologies and facilitating agreement in domain ontology development. As part of the effort of work package 2, an objective of OntoCommons is to provid.. Read more

61 Views25 Downloads
Project deliverable

D3.11 – Populated Domain ontology registry

Published on: 09 Oct 2023

Sarkar, Arkopaul; Bouchemel, Nasreddine; Lakani, Emna

Task 3.2 of OntoCommons project focusses on identifying and reviewing (i.e. classification and evaluation taking into account different criteria including FAIR principals) the current pi.. Read more

61 Views11 Downloads
Project deliverable

D1.15 - Industry Commons Translator resources (Profile, Best Practice, Directory) and report on cooperation for furthering the role of the Industry Commons Translator v2

Published on: 09 Oct 2023

Goldbeck, Gerhard

In this deliverable we report our findings regarding the Industry Commons Translator resources (Profile, Best Practice, Directory). The content of this deliverable is based on stakeholder consultations and involvement of experts in bilateral exchanges, a Tr.. Read more

49 Views29 Downloads
Project deliverable

D3.7 - Report on harmonized and developed ontologies

Published on: 29 Sep 2023

Yang, Lan; Breslin, John

To achieve interoperability between different domain-level ontologies (DLOs), OntoCommons aims to harmonize these ontologies while facilitating agreement in their development. In Work Package 3, OntoCommons aims to provide alignments among existing DLOs fro.. Read more

192 Views111 Downloads
Project deliverable

D6.6 - Report on the outcomes on the second OntoCommons Horizontal Workshop as well as with Synergies with related projects

Published on: 28 Sep 2023

Mancarella, Cristina; Giuffrida, Rita

This deliverable reports on the second Horizontal Workshop of OntoCommons The four-day event provided the platform for engagement between more than 2001 European and International stakeholders (from 39 different countries) to discuss and identify priorities.. Read more

41 Views19 Downloads
Project deliverable

D5.6 - Final validation, demonstrators of industrial cases and agreement with wider stakeholders

Published on: 28 Sep 2023

Haack, Janne; Weck, Christian

This deliverable represents the final report of Workpackage 5 of the European project OntoCommons. Within the OntoCommons project, an ecosystem of reference top, middle and domain ontologies and their alignments as well as best practices, guidelines and too.. Read more

38 Views12 Downloads
Project deliverable

D3.5 – Final report on domain ontology requirements and specifications

Published on: 25 Sep 2023

Sarkar, Arkopaul; Yang, Lan

OntoCommons aims at working towards interoperability by means of harmonization with respect to upper-level ontologies and facilitating agreement in domain ontology development. As part of the effort of work package 3, an objective of Onto.. Read more

75 Views13 Downloads
Project deliverable

D2.7 - TRO Final Release

Published on: 07 Sep 2023

Zaccarini, Francesco; Compagno, Francesco

This report presents the alignment between the Top-Level Ontologies (TLOs) BFO, DOLCE and EMMO available in first-order logic and OWL and used in the NMBP work programme domains of interest as individuated by the OntoCommons project. The report presents tod.. Read more

102 Views82 Downloads
Project deliverable

D4.8 – Ontology ecosystem knowledge graph, second version

Published on: 26 Jun 2023

Breslin, John; Yang, Lan; Kindermann, Christian; Poveda-Villalon, María

This document provides a comprehensive overview of the OntoCommons project's knowledge base, which is developed through the use of a designated platform called OCEANS (OntoCommons Collaborative Editing and Authoring Knowledge graphs), use.. Read more

59 Views16 Downloads
Project deliverable

D3.10 - Report on the Second focused workshop on domain ontologies

Published on: 02 May 2023

Sarkar, Arkopaul

The focused workshop 3.2 was entitled “Formal Ontologies Meet Industry” which took place along with the eponymous workshop FOMI, 2022. was organised by École Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tarbes at the institute’s premises .. Read more

57 Views25 Downloads
Project deliverable

D2.6 - Feedback Analysis Beta Release

Published on: 31 Mar 2023

Ghedini, Emanuele; Borgo, Stefano; Zaccarini, Francesco Antonio

The objective of D2.6 is to report on the WP2 activities on the collection and analysis of feedback, both internal (from members of the Consortium) and external (from external experts involved in Formal-Ontologies-related projects and stakeholders), regardi.. Read more

52 Views26 Downloads
Project deliverable

D3.6 - First report on harmonized and developed ontologies

Published on: 01 Mar 2023

Yang, Lan; Breslin, John

To achieve interoperability, OntoCommons harmonizes domain-level ontologies (DLOs) and facilitates agreement in domain ontology development. As part of the effort of work package 3, an objective of OntoCommons is to provide alignments among existing DLOs fr.. Read more

47 Views26 Downloads
Project deliverable

D5.5 - Description of further cases results and initial validation – early feedback

Published on: 12 Jan 2023

Correia, Ana; Stokic, Dragan; Scholze, Sebastian

The deliverable provides an overview of the work progress of the eleven so-called new cases – demonstrators (or Community Demonstrators) in the OntoCommons project. The OntoCommons project, aiming to provide an ecosystem of reference Top- Middle and D.. Read more

43 Views13 Downloads
Project deliverable

D1.7 - OntoCommons Standardisation Impact Report v2

Published on: 30 Nov 2022

Mancarella, Cristina; Giuffrida, Rita; Colucci, Luigi; Muscella, Silvana

This report, D1.7, is the second iteration of the OntoCommons Standardisation Impact report (D1.6). Its objective is to describe the results and impacts achieved by OntoCommons in promoting the cooperation of the overall community on the standardisation of .. Read more

60 Views41 Downloads
Project deliverable

D4.5 - Ontology ecosystem knowledge graph, first version

Published on: 30 Nov 2022

Breslin, John; Yang, Lan

This document describes the knowledge base of the OntoCommons project, which is developed using a designated platform named OntoCommons Collaborative Editing and Authoring kNowledge graphS (OCEANS), used for recording the knowledge generated in the project .. Read more

41 Views17 Downloads
Project deliverable

D5.2 - Specification of initial cases

Published on: 14 Jul 2022

Fensel, Anna; Simsek, Umutcan

This deliverable provides detailed specification of initial demonstrator cases. Specifically, building on OntoCommons D5.1, we describe detailed state of the art of the eleven initial demonstrators of the project, addressing the relevant to the project.. Read more

47 Views21 Downloads
Project deliverable

D1.6 - OntoCommons Standardisation Impact Report v1

Published on: 30 Apr 2022

Muscella, Silvana; Mancarella, Cristina; Giuffrida, Rita; Colucci, Luigi; Osimanti, Francesco; Nugent, Patricia

This report, the first of two iterations of the OntoCommons Standardisation Impact report, provides a state of the art of European contributions to Ontologies and semantic interoperability in the international standards arena and how, thanks to those, OntoC.. Read more

36 Views17 Downloads
Project deliverable

D1.12 - Ontology-based digital marketplaces for Industry Commons v1

Published on: 30 Apr 2022

Chiacchiera, Silvia

OntoCommons (958371) is a Coordination & Support Action funded by the European Commission under the Research and Innovation Framework Programme, Horizon 2020 (H2020). This document contains information on researched by OntoCommons Beneficiaries. Any ref.. Read more

46 Views33 Downloads
Project deliverable

D1.10 - Ontology-based uropean Data Infrastructure v1

Published on: 30 Apr 2022

Piroi, Florina

One of the OntoCommons objectives is to leverage relevant ongoing efforts and create synergies by close cooperation with all relevant bodies and initiatives. Particularly relevant for this document, (which describes the work in Task 1.4) is establishing a c.. Read more

35 Views17 Downloads
Project deliverable

D2.4 - TRO Beta Release

Published on: 29 Apr 2022

Masolo, Claudio

This report presents the alignment between the existing Top-Level Ontologies (TLOs) available in common logic at the beginning of 2022 and used in the NMBP work programme domains of interest as individuated by the OntoCommons project. The report presents to.. Read more

37 Views18 Downloads
Project deliverable

D5.4 - Description of initial cases results and initial validation – early feedback

Published on: 29 Apr 2022

Correia, Ana; Stokic, Dragan; Siafaka, Rebecca

The deliverable provides an overview of the work progress of the eleven initial cases - demonstrators. It is the result of the task T5.4 (Development and initial validation of cases) in Workpackage 5, aiming to ensure that the cases activities go through th.. Read more

33 Views10 Downloads
Project deliverable

OntoCommons D5.3 - Report on selection and specification of further cases

Published on: 28 Apr 2022

Umutcan Simsek; Anna Fensel

The OntoCommons project aims to provide a an ecosystem of reference Top- Middle- and Domain ontologies and their alignments, as well as best practices and guidelines for ontology and tool development. The demonstrators are a cornerstone of these activities .. Read more

112 Views63 Downloads
Project deliverable

D1.14 - Industry Commons Translator resources (Profile, Best Practice, Directory) and report on cooperation for furthering the role of the Industry Commons Translator v1

Published on: 28 Apr 2022

Goldbeck, Gerhard

In this deliverable we report our preliminary findings regarding the Industry Commons Translator resources (Profile, Best Practice, Directory). The content of this deliverable is based on stakeholder consultations and involvement of experts in bilateral exc.. Read more

46 Views20 Downloads
Project deliverable

D5.3 - Selection and specification of further cases

Published on: 28 Apr 2022

Simsek, Umutcan; Fensel, Anna

OntoCommons project aims to provide an ecosystem of reference Top- Middle- and Domain ontologies and their alignments, as well as best practices and guidelines for ontology and tool development. The demonstrators are a cornerstone of these activities as the.. Read more

33 Views7 Downloads
Project deliverable

D1.8 - FAIR Recommendations and cooperation report v1

Published on: 26 Apr 2022

Le Franc, Yann

OntoCommons aims at defining a semantic interoperability framework to support the documentation of industrial data with ontologies. Ontologies are at the cornerstone of the FAIR principles (Wilkinson et al., 2016).
The FAIR principles provides a framewor.. Read more

53 Views26 Downloads
Project deliverable

OntoCommons D4.3 - Report on Landscape Analysis of Ontology Engineering Tools

Published on: 20 Apr 2022

Martin G. Skjæveland; Laura Ann Slaughter; Christian Kindermann

This report provides a landscape analysis of software systems for ontology engineering. We collect software systems that are said to be used in practice and compile them in an index providing information about their homepage, documentation, and ot.. Read more

801 Views638 Downloads
Project deliverable

D2.1 - TLO/MLO Workshop Report

Published on: 28 Mar 2022

Ghedini, Emanuele

The objective of D2.1 is to report on the T2.1 activities on the TLO/MLO multidisciplinary workshop, spanning from the philosophical community to formal TLO/MLO developers and users, to present OntoCommons project, gather existing experience and agreement o.. Read more

55 Views42 Downloads
Project deliverable

OntoCommons D3.2 - Report on existing domain ontologies in

Published on: 09 Mar 2022

Yann Le Franc

OntoCommons aims at defining a semantic interoperability framework to support the documentation of industrial data with ontologies. This document summarises the landscape analysis on domain ontologies. The scope of this analysis covers the domains.. Read more

900 Views654 Downloads
Project deliverable

D3.4 – First report on domain ontology requirements and specifications

Published on: 04 Mar 2022

Sarkar, Arkopaul; Amdouni, Emna; SANFILIPPO, EMILIO MARIA; Goldbeck, Gerhard; KARRAY, HEDI; Borgo, Stefano; Friis, Jesper; Poveda-Villalon, María; norouzi, ebrahim; Esnaola-Gonzalez, Iker; Chiacchiera, Silvia; Jinzhi, Lu; Correia, Ana

OntoCommons aims at working towards interoperability by means of harmonization with respect to upper-level ontologies and facilitating agreement in domain ontology development. As part of the effort of work package 3, an objective of Onto.. Read more

39 Views2 Downloads
Project deliverable

OntoCommons D3.3 - Report on populated domain ontology registry

Published on: 02 Mar 2022

María Poveda-Villalón

This document presents the “OntoCommons ontology catalogue” and how it is populated with ontology metadata. In this deliverable, an overview of the generated portal is included. It should be noted that this report is a short presentation of the .. Read more

305 Views205 Downloads
Project deliverable

OntoCommons D4.4 - Report on OntoCommons ontology registry infrastructure

Published on: 04 Feb 2022

María Poveda-Villalón

This document describes the workflow followed to generate the “Report on OntoCommons ontology catalogue” and the technological infrastructure developed and deployed to support the creation of this catalogue. In this deliverable, some p.. Read more

264 Views157 Downloads
Project deliverable

D6.5 - Report on the outcomes on the first OntoCommons Horizontal Workshop

Published on: 14 Jan 2022

Mancarella, Cristina; Giuffrida, Rita; Colucci, Luigi; Muscella, Silvana; Ferguson, Nicholas

This deliverable reports on the first Horizontal Workshop of OntoCommons The four-day event provided the platform for engagement between 278 European and International stakeholders to discuss and identify priorities and recommendations on the future of stan.. Read more

35 Views14 Downloads
Project deliverable

OntoCommons D2.2 - TLOMLO Landscape Analysis Report

Published on: 12 Jan 2022

Laura Ann Slaughter; Jens Otten

This report summarizes the existing Top-Level Ontologies (TLOs) and Mid-Level Ontologies (MLOs) used in the NMBP work programme domains of interest. The report expands what is known about the TLOs and MLOs presented in the “Top-Level and Mid.. Read more

374 Views364 Downloads
Project deliverable

D2.3 - Report on OCES Disciplines of Interest

Published on: 04 Nov 2021

Ghedini, Emanuele

The objective of T2.3 is to analyse the outcomes of WP1, WP3, WP4 and WP5 to identify the general disciplines (i.e., scientific fields such as chemistry and manufacturing) to be addressed by the MLOs within the OCES. This is done by:
a) the identificatio.. Read more

37 Views20 Downloads
Project deliverable

D4.2 - Methodological framework for ontology management

Published on: 23 Sep 2021

Fernández-Izquierdo, Alba

This document describes the Linked Open Terms (LOT) methodology, the methodological framework for OntoCommons. This document introduces the activities that should be performed in the ontology development process and includes recommendations and guidelines t.. Read more

63 Views41 Downloads
Project deliverable

D3.9 - Report on the first focus workshop on domain ontologies

Published on: 04 Aug 2021

Chiacchiera, Silvia

The focused workshop was entitled “Domain Ontologies for Research Data Management in Industry Commons of Materials and Manufacturing” (DORIC-MM 2021) and was constituted of two main parts: a preparatory half-day event (kick-off) on the 15th of M.. Read more

61 Views36 Downloads
Project deliverable

OntoCommons D3.9 - Report on the first focused workshop on domain ontologies

Published on: 03 Aug 2021

Silvia Chiacchiera

The focused workshop was entitled “Domain Ontologies for Research Data Management in Industry Commons of Materials and Manufacturing” (DORIC-MM 2021) and was constituted of two main parts: a preparatory half-day event (kick-off) on the.. Read more

282 Views155 Downloads
Project deliverable

D4.1 - Ontology Ecosystem Specification

Published on: 07 Jun 2021

d'Aquin, Mathieu

This document reports on the first focussed workshop aimed at the definition, extent, characteristics and components of an ontology ecosystem toolkit. We first provide an overview of the ontology engineering and use process, as context for the analysis of t.. Read more

41 Views12 Downloads
Project deliverable

OntoCommons D4.1 - Ontology Ecosystem Specification

Published on: 07 Jun 2021

Mathieu d'Aquin

This document reports on the first focused workshop aimed at the definition, extent, characteristics and components of an ontology ecosystem toolkit. We first provide an overview of the ontology engineering and use process, as context for the anal.. Read more

347 Views272 Downloads
Project deliverable

D5.1 - Requirements on ontology tools and ontologies and criteria for selection of further cases

Published on: 30 May 2021

Fensel, Anna; Simsek, Umutcan

This deliverable provides requirements on ontology tools and ontologies and criteria for selection of further cases. Specifically, we describe the state of the art of the initial demonstrators, addressing the relevant to the project needs, state of the affa.. Read more

37 Views7 Downloads
Project deliverable

OntoCommons D5.1 - Report on requirements on ontology tools and ontologies and criteria for selection of further cases

Published on: 30 May 2021

Anna Fensel; Umutcan Simsek

This report provides requirements on ontology tools and ontologies and criteria for selection of further cases. Specifically, we describe the state of the art of the initial demonstrators, addressing the relevant to the project needs, state of the affairs i.. Read more

109 Views82 Downloads
Project deliverable

OntoCommons Use Case Demonstrator Analysis Survey

Published on: 18 May 2021

Ana Teresa Correia; Rebecca Siafaka; Dragan Stokic; Janne Haack; Christian Weck; Anna Fensel; Umutcan Şimşek

The survey sent to the OntoCommons initial demonstrators in order to specify their use cases and requirements regarding ontologies and tools.

Read more

214 Views122 Downloads
Project deliverable

D3.1 - Report on communities interested in domain-specific semantics

Published on: 29 Jan 2021


The core objective of Work Package 3 is to collect community input to formulate guidance and agreements concerning the harmonisation of domain ontologies. In this document we provide a first definition of the relevant domains for the project based on the De.. Read more

35 Views30 Downloads