Authored by r.giuffrida on 22 February 2023

Dear all,

With the release of the second iteration of the OntoCommons Roadmap approaching, the OntoCommons consortium aims to gather new strategic insights building on the results of the first version.

These will converge into a set of interactive discussions at the Second Global Workshop (Oslo, 13-16 June 2023), and alltogether will shape the 2nd OntoCommons Roadmap release.

With this objective in mind, we have designed a series of questionnaires, which ontologists, engineers, innovators, and all industrial players interested in data documentation for industry commons can contribute to.


We appreciate if you can take help provide a feedback on Standardisation by filling in this survey.


Best wishes,

Rita Giuffrida


Help shaping the future of the OntoCommons Roadmap by filling in our survey

by r.giuffrida

Dear all,

With the release of the second iteration of the OntoCommons Roadmap approaching, the OntoCommons consortium aims to gather new strategic insights building on the results of the first version.