Authored by Francesco Anto… on 30 May 2022

Thread for the discussion of the OntoCommons Concept Cluster: Commercial Product, and the related Bridge-Concepts

The related concepts in the…

The related concepts in the cluster are analysed based on the following criteria that are extracted from the documents posted above. The initial characterisation is tentative and needs discussion but the aim is to channel the discussion based on well-understood criteria: 1) agree or disagree with the character of the concept for a specific criterion, 2) add a new criterion if it is not listed below.


  • Saleability: whether the thing can be sold, i.e., its ownership may be transferred from one party to another in exchange of money or another item. Note: it is not necessary for the thing to actually get sold. It is enough if some agent or group of agents has intention for selling the thing. Probable values: necessary, not necessary, never.
  • History of economic transaction: whether the thing was transacted before, that it was purchased at some point in its existence. Probable values: necessary, not necessary, never.
  • Outcome of production: whether the thing is produced, that the thing came into existence as a result of some manufacturing activity. Probable values: necessary, not necessary, never.
  • Outcome of transformation: whether the thing went through some transformation in between the time it is acquired from nature and the time it is offered for sale. Probable values: necessary, not necessary, never.
  • Tangible: whether the thing is physical, that it is made out of material.  Probable values: necessary, not necessary, never.
  • Artefact: whether the thing is made by human, that is some human is an agentive cause of the thing to exist. Probable values: necessary, not necessary, never.
  • Customer's ownership: whether the customer can have permanent or temporary (e.g., one time) ownership of the thing after purchase. Probable values: permanent, temporary
  • Obsolescence: Is the thing still a product even after the customer stopped being benefitted by it (some time after purchase)? Probable values: yes, no



Help shaping the future of the OntoCommons Roadmap by filling in our survey

by r.giuffrida

Dear all,

With the release of the second iteration of the OntoCommons Roadmap approaching, the OntoCommons consortium aims to gather new strategic insights building on the results of the first version.


Concept Cluster: Commercial Product

by Francesco Anto…

Thread for the discussion of the OntoCommons Concept Cluster: Commercial Product, and the related Bridge-Concepts



by Francesco Anto…

Product cluster characterisation

by arko
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Concept Cluster: Commercial Product

by Francesco Anto…