
  • Use case description: Siemens developed an ontology library that covers various relevant domain ontologies as well as ontology transformations of various industrial standards. In particular, this library covers models for assets in the domains of manufacturing and automation engineering. Based on these models, Siemens showcased a demonstrator for the integrated access to various otherwise disparate automation engineering artifacts that are combined in a scenario in which integrated automation engineering data is being made accessible to technical users in order to ease their daily work in a heterogeneous landscape of engineering tools.

  • Use case goal: The main goal of the use case is to realize a seamless integration of automation engineering data when building up complex manufacturing equipment. Siemens main objective is to address scenarios of reducing the efforts of factory automation engineers for accessing engineering data from various disciplines, such as electrical engineering, mechanical engineering or automation software. In other words, the aim is to show how the use of ontologies and reasoning can significantly improve flexibility in manufacturing, as well as increase transparency and trust of AI systems by using methods for explaining AI‐based decision‐making.